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Média Szolgáltatások Gyógyszervíz Írásaim Kapcsolat








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Serotonin is the happiness hormone which is created when we become absorbed in the admiration of something, when we lose ourselves in something. When we fall in love without reason.

When we do not possess, more exactly, our serotonin hormones are not active, we are unable to appreciate the beauties of life, we are unable to be happy with life.

Those, for example, who wear well-chosen articles of clothing, the serotonin surplus directs their choices of clothes, of course, together with some dopamine surplus. As a matter of fact, what beauty is, is a mathematical formula which is determined by the Fibonacci series. Leonardo studied this at the time, a lot of notes survived from him. Basically, it is about harmonious ratios. We see a face as beautiful if the eyes, the mouth, the nose form proper symmetry, and it is the same with the human body, I see someone as attractive when the proportions of the hands and legs, the torso, the head fit the law of the golden section. It is independent of body weight, or height, the essence is that the torso, the limbs have to be in proportion. This proportion is determined by the value of phi.

Phi is extremely important in art. Leonardo da Vinci's famous male figure is the Vitruvius study, which got its name from Marcus Vitruvius, the formidable Roman architect, who praised the golden section in his work, "De Architectura".

Leonardo measured the exact ratios of the human bone structure. He was the first to show that the human body is literally comprised of building blocks whose ratio number is always equal to the phi. We, in reality, are memorials of the golden section walking on two legs.

But what if someone does not look like this, their proportions are a bit off. Well, this is why serotonin is needed, so that we could balance out these proportions instinctively, shape the make-up, the jewellery, the clothing, the accessories so that they will highlight what they have to highlight, and cover what is recommended to be covered, let it be a male, or a female body we are talking about.

When someone's level of happiness hormones is low, that can also be seen from their appearance, their clothing, because they are not interested in externals, or they do not believe that they deserve to look good, or they are not able to add to the beauties of life with their appearance...

For a long time, I did not understand why ladies with a huge behind, thick thighs, wear leggings in which one can count the cellulitis dimples, with a top which even shows their stomach, or the other extreme, why ladies with matchstick, thin legs put on morsel-sized skirts in which their appearance is frightening and literally scarecrow-like. This clothing style is an obvious cry for help on the part of ladies. In my article, Threads Therapy, I analyze in detail which kind of clothing means what. The buttocks and below them is Pluto, that is, the area of sexuality. The area above the waist, where the adrenals are, is Transpluto's. The first is the energy of sexual desire, the other one, the place where sexual hormones are created. It is possible to highlight this area either by leaving it naked, or by having the fabric fitting tight there. Subconsciously, these ladies are sending the message to the world that they are ready to copulate, even right then and there. Ladies underclothed this way, believe they will be much in demand when they present themselves as a sexual object. They do not know that if they wish to be admired, then serotonin would be needed to realize a harmonious appearance, or that if they want a relationship based on love, then oxytocin should be boosted-this is the appearance of the caring, feminine, skirt-wearing woman-this is also in my article mentioned above. What they consider sexy, is the uniform of the easily available, cheap woman.

Serotonin helps us tune in to beauty, harmony, and be able to see them in others as well. This hormone helps us fall in love without reason. We tune in to the other person, we feel into him-her, and if we are not cautious, we will fall in love with them. Of course, it is not just people we are talking about. We can fall in love with a puppy, a song, we can adore a painting, and we can nourish loving feelings towards even a perfume. The expression of, "the lovers of the Sun", is familiar. So, it is possible to cherish hot emotions towards a natural phenomenon, and vice versa, nature ignites our hormones.

Serotonin is needed for us to be able to relax, to be able to enjoy sunshine inactively, the rain, the wind. Let us take pleasure in the sunset, the crackling fire, how waves are lapping the shore. Let us enjoy the murmur of the sea, the buzz of bees, silence, the chirping of birds, the susurrus of the leaves of trees, or musical tunes. We lose ourselves in the details of a painting, the hues of a photo, the gracefulness of a statue.

If we are unable to do so, we do not enjoy, we do not appreciate the activities I enumerated, it means that our serotonin hormones have palled and they are not in an active state.

We cannot tune in to harmony, which is there everywhere in nature, music, architecture, the arts.

What, and to what extent we see something or someone, as beautiful depends on our receptive ability at that moment in time, that is, our level of serotonin.

Attention! How beautiful I see myself, how much I can accept myself, depends on my level of dopamine. To what extent I see my partner, my child, my pet beautiful, is influenced by oxytocin. If a larger event does not set me afire, if I do not go to the cinema, to the theater, to sporting events regularly, if I do not take on community work, I do not appreciate others' diligence, that is indicative of the lack, and passivity of the hormone endorphin.

Serotonin manifests primarily in how I can accept, how I can make my environment beautiful, harmonious.

How I see my physical reality, as I have mentioned, depends on dopamine, but how I can make my appearance harmonious with my clothing, this is where serotonin is needed.

If someone likes turning over the pages of fashion magazines, selecting textile fabrics, admiring jewellery, shoes, bags, having their nose in pages on furnishings, reading gardening advice, browsing artistic journals, with these activities, we satisfy our serotonin needs.

Attention! We must not be influenced by how much we find the person likeable who is wearing the article of clothing because it obscures our judgment of it. One should not choose an article of clothing because it looks good on the model, but because we want to feel good in it.

The situation is familiar that as soon as famous people start wearing something, crowds will want to imitate them. They cannot cope with manufacturing as much of Prince George's clothing as the demand would require.

When someone is wearing an article of clothing which celebs wear, that means that they love themselves enough to deserve the best, but that they do not have enough serotonin to be unique.

In reality, those people can create new fashion trends in whom all the hormones function well at the same time, then everyone will want to follow them.

Let us see with what we can keep our serotonin at an optimal level.

My favourite passive way of recharging my batteries is when I lie on the water in the thermal pool at Isle Margerite. The water of the Danube forms a barrier on the two sides between the hustle and bustle of the city and me. Trees frame the sky, human voices are dampened by the water because my ears are under the level of the water. For me, the outer world totally gets lost then. It is the Sun, and me and the universe. Unfortunately, I can enjoy it only in the summer months, so I do my best to go as frequently as possible, so that I could be filled up with serotonin for a long time.

But how about winter months?

The simplest way to activate serotonin is meditation, or prayer. Of course, it works only if we can keep negative feelings out from our mind. A supplication full of worries, fears, resentment stops the production of happiness hormones, and then our prayer will be non-effective, of course.

Unfortunately, the majority of those praying in vain are outraged at such a time and want to find a culprit at all cost whom they can blame for their unrealized supplication.

One can be angry with the Creator, and with that, we block endorphin, and it is not only us that we put on the course of destructive energies then, but our loved ones as well. We can be angry with our loved ones, then we destroy the relationship, we can be angry with ourselves, then we stop the production of dopamine. Who will be better off because of this? Discontent, resentment come at a huge price, which everyone has to pay.

Now it is already clear to everyone what a CURSE means! When one's ability to produce serotonin collapses, when instead of tuning in with love, experiencing elevation, a steep dive comes, when a black hole tugs one in, which is very hard to get out of without help. We come apart from our Divine self, from the universe, from the creating energies.

It is almost redundant who and why has activated the collapse of our energies, my favourite reaction is, "I've just sent the curse back to her/him"... What came before, the hen or the egg??? The curse, generating dark energies, causes a collapse in everybody... If we take good care to keep our own serotonin levels high, if we make efforts to receive beauty, to maintain harmony, then no kind of negative attack, either from a person in the street, or the malevolent remark of a loved one, or the TV, or the manipulation of the Internet will influence us.

But one has to work on it day by day. If alone we cannot do so, then let us ask for help. Let us never stop widening our possibilities to recharge our serotonin in various ways.

Let us go to a gallery, let us admire the pictures, let us go to an observatory, let us marvel at the galaxies, let us go to the zoo, to the cinema, or just let us sit down on a bench, and admire the people. Let us play that in each and every person, we search for why they are beautiful. What their partner, their child see as beautiful in them, what their soul is like, how much love is in them. If we see that they are sad, let us smile at them. It is possible that after a while, we realize that we see entirely different people as beautiful than what the media dictates, and that we see entirely different values in those whom we saw as beautiful until then because of their exterior.

When I go home from shopping thinking how much beauty I have seen today, that means that serotonin is at an appropriate level. If I am grumbling over what idiots people are, it means that there is a problem with what I have been radiating from myself, and that based on similar-attracts-similar, I have attracted those people in who hold a mirror.

In 2018, I was at a very deep trough of a wave. I will relate the trials of those 6 months not in the order of how important they were, but chronologically. I am writing it down only to tell you about them, not to be felt sorry for. I am grateful for this period because I had to face myself very sternly.

My dog had to have a life-saving surgery. She survived it, but because she had already difficulty travelling, I left her home with my sister. It turned out that my mom would have to have one leg amputated. After 13 years, I was kicked out of the flat I rented. My knee cracked and I was coming and going with two crutches, I could not take any painkiller because they would have blocked my breathing, and what is more, I had so much pain in my left shoulder that I was not able to lift anything with my left hand. The man whom I loved very much and whose birthday surprise I had been organizing for half a year, humiliated me in front of my friends, and rejected the gifts for his birthday, he did not show up at the event where he would have been the guest of honour together with a few ambassadors. The same day, my mom died. There are no words that could describe what I felt.

I was not able to either listen to music, or watch TV. Jenny was not on my side, either, who had been sleeping with me for long years, and whom I could hug anytime before. Although with the gentleman I mentioned, we were not together, but the love I felt for him had filled my entire soul, and I had always felt warmth in my chest when he had come to my mind, but I only felt bitterness when I thought of him. With the loss of my mother, I felt as if an enormous void had sprung up in my heart. As if my body had been torn into several pieces. There was my head, the part under my waist, there were my arms, but in between, nothing. As if my heart, my soul had been torn out. I felt that I was unable to give of myself. I was not able to write, either, for almost 2 years. I do not even mention the terrible physical pain I felt with each step. I did not know anymore why I was crying, what had more pain, my body or my soul. All the happiness, joy was gone. I was not able to stand on my heel, the pain shot up unto my brain. Total helplessness, due to the lack of dopamine, I did not care, either, what would happen to me. If something fell down, it stayed there, I was not able to bend down for it, I kicked the objects that had fallen down, into one place, a shafted garbage shovel was my number one helper. Because of the lack of serotonin, I was not interested in any advice, any comforting words, oxytocin was hardly flickering because I lost those to whom I was attached the most, by whom I had always recharged my batteries-the threads which had been connecting us, were pulled out. The endorphin which would have been necessary for me so that I could share my experiences with others by writing, fell back to almost zero. I did not understand what the meaning of my existence was.

If the feeling is familiar, or you have already experienced something similar, then you know what the total lack of serotonin is like. When feelings become so numb that you do not like food, we are not able to receive the arts, life. The colour black was the only one I could bear-the lack of light, the lack of colours.

BEAUTIFUL TO WIN FROM HERE. I decided, determined, I would not give up!

Since I was not able to move, I spent a lot of time on the Internet, watched TV, but it was rather only nature films I could watch, or presentations on artistic subjects, animal videos. I listened to a lot of meditation music, but I could bare it only at a very low volume. The flat I rented then, made it possible for me to cover the wall with paintings which had been painted specifically for me. The Celtic and Egyptian goddesses, Freya, Maat, Birgit, Nehalenja, Nefertiti, Sekhmet-the goddesses of beauty, love, truth, healing, fertility, the arts, fully human-sized, which I thank to Szilvia Szakáll here as well.

I drew pentagrams all the time-I had learnt it back from Daniel Whiteside, it is a symbol strengthening self-confidence, an ancient symbol, the graphic representation of the healing energy of the Atlantians. There were pentagrams on my slippers. I did not buy them deliberately, but in my size, only such slippers were available. I got a pentagram-shaped pillow for Christmas, and I slept pressing it to myself. Often, I did not have an appetite, but the hot Chinese soup acted as a salve for my soul.

My subconscious started up the survival program instinctively. So that it will be clear why the photos of nature, artistic creations are the best way to fill up serotonin, I will have to explain the rules of the golden section.

But first, about the hot soup and others.

A lot of people over 90 years old were asked about what the secret of long life is. Almost without exception, they say it is the half deciliter palinka (an alcoholic drink with high alcohol content, prepared mainly from fruits in Hungary and in regions of Austria) or 2 deciliters of quality red wine daily. What does alcohol do? It warms up the path as it reaches our stomach, that is, our chest, our soul.

The serotonin set afire by the alcohol helps one to be more receptive, more accepting, so we consider daily troubles challenges, and not problems. As a side note, everyone knows the saying, there is no ugly woman, only too little palinka. Its precise interpretation is that the increased level of serotonin sees what is beautiful in everything, which alcohol helps to set afire, so we will see as beautiful even what we did not before. Those whose serotonin level is low, can boost it with alcohol, but alcohol only starts up serotonin, it helps in acute cases, in the long run, however, more and more is needed of it to maintain the particular level, and this is why it is important to find other methods of recharging.

And this is where my soup comes into the picture.

Every hot drink, tea, coffee, cacao, boiled wine, grop, soup, everything which warms up our chest, boosts the production of serotonin automatically. Chinese soup is very spicy, in addition, and one attribute of hot spices is that they activate the tiny warriors of happiness, too. The expression is familiar, "it warms my soul", and a "warmer of the soul". By the latter, in Hungary, usually alcohol is meant, but there are a lot of other means to warm up our soul. Everybody has the image when a child suddenly touches his-her chest at the heart when something makes them very happy, when they get a gift they have been yearning for, or when they want to hug every animal on their chest automatically, cats, dogs, so that they could absorb the energies of the other being, or their favourite toy. We are many like this, that we press the person, animal, gift which make us happy, to our breast. Then warmth spreads in our chest, when we recharge ourselves with the other's warmth, light, and serotonin starts glowing in us literally.

Often an object we have received as a gift from a person we love, is able to start up the production of the hormone by our looking at it or touching it when we are dusting. And the same is true conversely. When someone is circulating negative energies towards me by resentment, by talking behind my back, the object I had received from him-her becomes cold,and I feel that it is ruining my energies, so I gift it on, but first I delete the negative energies of course, and fill it up with my own energies.

The negative thoughts, disappointment sent towards me causes an energy deficiency in my chest just as when a cold void is generated at this area in us when we lose a loved one. I am very sorry in my difficult periods that I cannot bear either alcohol, or smoking.

I would like to note again so that you will not misunderstand me that I am talking about a cultured consumption of alcohol, not alcoholism.

In any case, let it be alcohol, or a cigar, a cigarette, a pipe, all of them help the production of serotonin, and serotonin helps us accept things more. With smoking, the tips of our fingers and our mouth are stimulated at the same time, when the smoker takes a puff, as the mouth tightens up, that gives another dose of serotonin to the body.

By the way, many asked me about the use of marihuana. Everything is possible, but in moderation. Marihuana strengthens dopamine, but when we consume it as tobacco, not as a cake, then serotonin is increased by it as well. Smoking is the prayer of atheists. This is progression, in socialism, religion was forbidden, there were times when a ban on alcohol was in fashion, now, it is smokers who are to be persecuted. Unhappy people always find ways how to extinguish others' happiness, but somehow, they never succeed.

It is also valid here that with malicious remarks, we block the production of the happiness hormone. The one who makes malevolent remarks to smokers, harms her-himself more than them. They will light another cig and activate serotonin, which helps one leave others' malevolence behind...

Those of you who do not bare smoking, buy lip gloss and use it regularly, or pout your lips, whistle songs, all stimulate the mouth. When drinking, use a straw. Kissing does the same, of course, but what if we do not have a partner to do so? Pluche toys? Our own reflection? At least we boost dopamine as well. Let us put out the pictures of our pets, our loved ones, and we can throw kisses at them...

The screensaver of my laptop is full of my pets, doggies, kitties, my village from afar, my favourite dancers, for example, Béjart, Bolle, Polunin, my favourite quotations, 1-2 Renaissance dresses, so when I open my laptop, warmth fills my chest, my soul at once and I start smiling automatically.

Our mouth is a lot more telling than we would like it to be. Let us think of emojis where a simple line indicates clearly to everyone the particular emotional state. Everyone knows what straight, up-curling or downward curling mean, and what the cirlce does.

When our mouth is in a straight line, tightened up, that is the sign of tension or repressed anger, just as when we are rinsing some liquid in our mouth, and we close it tightly to prevent the water from sprinkling out. A straight mouth indicates the inactive state of happiness hormones. When the mouth is curling downwards, that one, the lack of happiness hormones. When we are talking and the red colour disappears from our upper lip, when it tightens up, that indicates the deficiency of oxytocin, a relationship full of tension... When someone's lower lip is swollen, it means they give with pleasure, they like sharing what they have with others. To receive a gift from someone whose lower lip is tight, is almost equivalent to a miracle.

When someone has a mouth which curls upwards, that is a very lucky, harmonious person, whose happiness hormones function optimally.

Whose mouth curls downwards, like mine, that means that by default, I have little, or happiness generating hormones underfunction, so I have to pay conscious attention to their maintenance.

Look in the mirror, the mouth is the symbol of the soul according to certain teachings. Our mouth is from and about our soul. If you do not like it, I give you the alternatives with which we can change, but smiling is the most efficient. Let us smile at ourselves, in ourselves, at others, let the happiness hormones swell.

I hope your mouth has got round a little now, because then serotonin has been started up, and my message has been received.

I am sad when I see that certain moms are proud that their child does not use a pacifier. It is a pity that they do not take into account that chewing a pacifier stimulates the mouth, by which happiness hormones are produced. Hopefully, they at least do not take out toys from their children's mouth.

When someone is chewing the temple tips of eyeglasses, or the end of a pen, or their own nails, that is a subconscious ventilation of anger, just as when someone is sucking their tooth, or when we are rinsing our teeth with some liquid. The stimulation of the gum either by pressing something to it, or by stimulating it with air, water, always starts up the protecting-defiant mechanism. If we spit out the water with which we have rinsed, we let go of aggressivity as well. Otherwise, we have found the way to smother serotonin.

And what is the case with hiccuping? In the case of a newborn, it is important because this automatic reaction starts up suction. It can also appear when the baby is hungry, but then it signals not only the need to take in food, but also that serotonin should be refilled. Moms do it automatically when they lift the baby to their chest, thereby also warming up the baby's chest. When the baby starts hiccuping while or after eating, then it is only about their massaging the boosted serotonin apart with this interior exercise.

I hiccup sometimes, it is always sipping without breathing which helps. It happens always when suddenly a surplus of serotonin would be needed for the reception of something, and pouting the lips when I drink from a bottle-the muscles of the mouth become more rounded, and the rhythmic sucking motions whirl up the stagnating serotonin.

It is the circular shaped muscle of the mouth which needs to be stimulated for serotonin to be produced, which can be activated truly by sucking. If it disturbs us when the child is sucking their thumb, then let us give them some warm liquid, or let us give them a picture book so that they could refill their serotonin.

And what is the clear sign that serotonin has been started up? That we catch our breath.

When we breathe in deeply aaand it stays inside, when we are amazed, we open our mouth, and give out an oooh sound, during which, obviously, the muscle of the mouth takes on a round shape.

The artistic creations which bring forth this feeling in us, are able to tip us back into our divine Self. Here, I think pimarily of pictures, photos, statues, buildings, music, and productions which can be viewed, heard by audiovisual means. When we are only receivers of a creation. On such occasions, serotonin gets a little encouragement to expand. A live performance, when we are in it, we are part of the milieu, euphory, that produces endorphin, and this is the topic of my next piece.

As I mentioned at the beginning, the essence of the golden section is being proportionate.

And now, exceptionally, I quote, to be sure I do not spoil anything.

Phi is present everywhere in nature, it cannot be by chance, this is why the people of Antiquity considered the phi as a number set by the creator of the universe. The first scientists called it divine ratio number or golden section. The most well-known examples, the ratio of the diameter of one of the spirals of the nautilus-shell to the other, gives the phi. In bee hives, the ratio of the number of female individuals to the male bees is also phi. Sunflower seeds form spirals. The ratio number between the diameters of two neighbouring lines is phi. The parts of pine cones, of plant tiges organized in leaves, of insect bodies all conform to the rule of the golden section.

Behind chaos, there is order in the world. When the ancients discovered the phi, they were convinced that they found God's building block, and they got on their knees in front of the greatness of nature. Humans only play with the laws of nature, and because art is humans' attempt to imitate the beauty of the work of the Creator, in art, we can find a lot of examples for the golden section. Michelangelo, Albrecht Dürer, Leonardo da Vinci-they adhered strictly to the golden section in how they organised the compositions.

In architecture, the Pantheon in Athens, the Egyptian pyramids, the head office of the United Nations in New York.

The golden section is an organizing structure in Mozart's sonatas, in Beethoven's 5th symphony, in the musical works of Bartók, Debussy, and Schubert.

In connection with the golden section, there is a symbol that always appears, the pentagram or pentagon-as the ancients revered it-, a divine and magical sign. If we draw a pentagram, its sides are automatically divided into parts according to the laws of the golden section, the ratios of the line segments in a pentagram always equal to phi. This is why this symbol became the sign of the golden section, and this is why it is the emblem of beauty and perfection, which alludes to the goddess, to sacred femininity.

I thank Attila Cziria for summing it up so simply.

So, to be clear, the task of the arts is to help us find our way back to our essential Self.

The arts touch our soul, and if they have a powerful effect on us, then they help rock the serotonin in us and by this, re-vive ourselves. The effect of real art is a bit as if we re-created ourselves.

These days, I had the opportunity to see a ballet performance which kept forming my mouth into an O, which produced so much serotonin that I saw the relations among the movements and energies better, I succeeded in re-interpreting my habits, and this writing came to life. It was art which re-created order in me again.

Modern arts are an exception to this rule, the reason for it, as well as the constant appearance of unjustified nakedness in live productions, the shocking of people which rather takes energy away from spectators then recharging them with, is the topic of yet another one of my pieces.

Just as well as why it is dangerous to listen to orchestral works on electronic devices where the orchestra did not use the tuning of Verdi.

I suggest that, if someone does not enjoy classical music mediated by electronic players, they should listen to it live as well. It is possible that the problem is not with receiving classical music, but that the micro-distortion through the digital means causes in us that we are not able to receive it when many instruments can be heard at the same time. Of course, the more expanded explanation of this is in the making as well, I will nurture my hormones a little more, I need a little more dopamine dope, and it will be ready.

Attention, if we use only particular methods of refilling our serotonin, they will cause dependence.

An example for this is when someone finds happiness in admiring fire, they can easily become pyromaniac. Alcohol, drugs, addiction to the computer, a mania of television series all quench our serotonin-hunger. With every addiction, we close ourselves away from life, from the real world. There is no point in "exciting" hormones if we do not use them. If we rely only on taking externally derived serotonin then more and more will be needed of it and in the meantime, it will do more harm than good. Moderation applies to everything.

In my following works, I will explain in detail how a particular hormone determines our relationships. Now I say only that the seed of dopamine, of self-love, is the heart, which is enveloped by our soul, which is nourished by serotonin. A person sucks in their partner's energies in vain, if instead of the seed, there is only a dark hole in the person, then they will literally suck their partner's energy dry, and the relationship will sooner or later wither away. Creating a happy, argument-free, harmony-based relationship is possible only with someone who can circulate all the four hormones equally. Ladies once used to know it, but nowadays, there are hardly any women who would really want to function as a woman, or to take responsibility for the creation of harmony. Without self-love, we constantly expect proof, we are projecting our fears to the other person, it leads to a lot of misunderstandings and there is more tension in the relationship than love. Naturally, every relationship connects with oxytocin, but I will analyze this in my writing about oxytocin.

Alcohol, watching TV, taking pills without a continual connection with nature, without activities with the arts, are as when we put the entire bag of sugar in our coffee. The coffee either stays bitter if the bag does not get dissolved, or we will have to drink the paper as well. If we take serotonin but we do not use it, we do not circulate it, we will remain unhappy alike.

This hormone helps to set love on fire, but it is not enough for a lasting relationship. ATTENTION! As the pentagram is the symbol of creation, of harmony, the reversed pentagram is of black magic, of dark forces.

If someone is strengthening serotonin with alcohol, marihuana, medicine, but does not pay attention to what she/he says, what he/she thinks, they will suck in negative forces as a vacuum, which entails shivering with cold, a fast pulse, diarrhoea, restlessness, muscle twitches. This is also the basis of when someone becomes possessed. The substances are ruling their actions, their sentences.

If we do not want to do anything with the serotonin surplus, it is better not to take it, because otherwise, it will explode towards the inside.

The same is true when we are in love. If we take in serotonin at the same time, we cannot know whether we are in love with our partner, or our heart is beating faster, our pulse is quicker only because of serotonin.

Then let us look at the possibilities how to get serotonin hormones to spin at a higher rate...

1, Oral intake.

I mentioned them, warm drinks, alcohol consumed with moderation, hot spices, hot soups. The liquid consistency is very important, it ensures a process. In fact, the essence is sipping, slurping, the good feeling appears then.

Vitamine D, curcumin, yam root, ginger, oregano, ginseng, rhodiola rosea, bacopa monnieri, gingko biloba, St. John's wort, they can be purchased in pharmacies and they boost the production of not only serotonin, but also of dopamine.

A lot of mood enhancing medicaments contain serotonin, but do not be addicted.

One of nature's most perfect creation is honey. It is full of nutrients, and I would say that with it, we can make the Sun itself our own in a liquid form. Honey stimulates the production of serotonin. Honey mixed in warm milk helps us digest, accept problems, and this is why it supports sleep, the reconciliation of the mind.

According to certain teachings, it has an enlivening effect, due to its sugar content, it has this effect for half an hour, an hour, then it calms troubled feelings.

2, Physical stimulation

I have spoken about this as well, stimulating the mouth, warming up the chest, it is recommended to either hug ourselves across the chest while we sleep, or to hug a smaller pillow. This is for those people who sleep alone, those who have a dog, a cat, perhaps a partner, they are the most perfect stimulators to refill serotonin if we hug them, this way, oxytocin is filled up as well.

The most important is the smile! It is with a smile that we let the other person know that we accept, receive them, that we are ready for them. Let us smile at ourselves as well in the mirror, let dopamine also get a little encouragement to start spinning.

3, Energy treatment

SUN, Sun and Sun. Sun rays are the incubating substance of serotonin, but fresh air, nature and the arts as well. In addition to these, light therapy, massage, music, solarium. Every type of stimulation which we receive in ourselves through the eyes belong here, the sight of nature, the arts, and what we sense through our ears, music, the sound of nature. To me, one of the strongest stimulation is the sound of the Earth, which they recorded from the spaceship.

4, Intellectual understanding

Who listened to, read this writing, has got already closer to it. If someone wants to know what they have blocked down when and why, I suggest stress release by kinesiology, Family Constellation, and other techniques of self-knowledge.

At the end, I would like to sum up my example.

Drawing pentagrams started up my tuning in to the golden section, to creating energies, and it started up my need to fix myself both in body and soul. I began a diet which consisted of powders. The drink consumed from a shaker ensured the stimulation of the mouth ring, sipping made the chest part move rhythmically and by this, brought serotonin to life.

Levelling this hormone, tuning in to the arts brought with them my looking after myself, that I started caring for myself, glowed up dopamine as well, I learnt to walk without crutches, acupuncture, exercises, diet. Slowly, I started to feel like turn the radio on for a few minutes, and on the massage bench, I sometimes made movements to the rhythm. Dancing now and then raised endorphin, which made me feel like going to the theatre regularly. I started to feel like listening to more music, which made my cells to move so much that rhythm bursted out from me on the physical plane as well, the exercises to music all the time, the belly dance moves, the figure eight exercises revved up my happiness hormones and I felt like writing again... With oxytocin, I am still at odds, but I am working on it, how, I will say in the next writing.

Finally, I have good news, if you have managed to listen to, read, receive, accept this entire piece, then your momentary level of serotonine is not that bad at all, but do not forget that it is everyone's responsibility to care for their own happiness hormones day by day, because it is with this that we do the most for those who are dear to us. Pay attention to what I say, what I think, how I look, what I feel, because this is how I can add to the beauty of life, if I am in harmony with myself and with nature, and what can be a more noble task than to set those fellow human beings a good example who are less happy than I am.

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