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A Russian quote:


I am a medium, whether someone likes it or not.

I am a medium, both in the case when someone believes it, and also when someone does not.

I am a medium no matter whether different religions recognize it or not.

I am a medium no matter whether I want it or not.

I am a medium at the same time that many people consider me an idiot because of it, or if they happen to be envious of me because of it.

I am a medium, an interpreter, a mediator, an echo.

As a medium, I return only what is radiated towards me.

I behave with everyone, I circulate towards them the energy which the individual is mediating towards me subconsciously, whether we are talking about a spirit being, an animal, or a human.

If I seem angry, it is not my nature, it is only my reaction to how someone behaves towards me, or what she/he is radiating towards me with his/her thoughts.

I am a medium which at first, I experienced as a curse, but without which I would not be able to live anymore.

As a medium, I cannot regulate what I perceive. Without praying, without asking for the proper protection, in everyday life, either everything comes or I am closed off from everything. Without the proper preparation, for me, answering personal questions is as if I had to manage to see only blonde people in a busy street, not perceiving the others. There are seers of the dead, they communicate only with the deceased. There are angelic mediums, they perceive angels, there are the conjurers of UFOs, they speak with extraterrestrials, or satanists who call the princes of hell, or wiccas, who conjure up the beings of nature. I perceive all of them, and in addition to the enumerated, people's thoughts, the feelings of those in a coma as well.

In everyday life, I either hear everybody, or nobody. Even though I am perfectly all right with my own thoughts, unfortunately, I can rarely be alone. It is very disturbing that I also perceive when someone is speaking about me, or when they are speaking ill of me behind my back. The individual can even be several hundred kilometers away from me, I still sense their thoughts. When someone is circulating negative energy towards me by their message, by thinking hard, they literally give me a headache.

When 18 years ago, I launched my website, for months, I could hardly bear that I was perceiving constantly when someone connected to my writings, and by this, to my thoughts. I heard the differences in views, the criticism, the opposition. With time, I have managed to separate myself from my website. I can switch the common subconscious off. This applies to my website for the time being. Now, I have to deconnect myself from the social web because I cannot tolerate anymore the expectations which are being showered on me.

I took a while but I have already achieved that I do not hear or I do not always hear the thoughts of my clients with whom I meet in person. I can shut out at last what they think of my appearance, my room, my missing teeth, my clothing, etc. At first, I managed to do this by not touching my clients during kinesiology testing because then I receive more information than it would be decent. For example, what posture they had sex in the last time, what they had for lunch, where they went those days. I do not care!

I can clearly distinguish who is talking to me from the spirit world, who is using me as a medium, let it be an angel, perhaps an archangel, or a being of a higher order. It is the same as the previously mentioned example that I see what the colour is of someone's hair, coat, I recognise people from their appearance, their voice, their gait. It is an entirely different feeling when a human being wants to influence my thoughts, and it is totally different, of course, when a demonic force. Despite, or maybe because of the fact that I hear all of them, I can tell them apart. This is why it is dangerous when someone believes that she/he hears the spirit world while they do not even know what the difference is between their own thoughts and ones coming from elsewhere. I could not do it at the fist try, but after a lot of experiences, I succeded. Unfortunately, if I get stuck with someone in an elevator, I take over the other person's vibration at once by our auras touching each other, and I start behaving totally irrationally. I might even use vulgar words to push out the entities from myself who want to enter into me, who want to manipulate me. Now, I think some people ask why I do not put protection on myself, why I do not pray, why not with love. I do put protection on myself, I do pray, there are situations when love does not help. But that is another work.

There was a time when the deceased could enter my room during the night. I recognized the souls of the dead even when they did not show themselves in their physical form. It happened that I knew who the individual was even if she/he touched only my shoulder and I did not even turn around. I said what I had to say, the individual's soul calmed down and he/she left. Nowadays, souls stay outside the fence, the protective energy does not let them come further in, my night has become calmer this way as well. At the moment, only people of my village come to me for help, apart from them, only the people can find me from whom I have some keepsake, or who has been already at my place. I do what I can for them, of course. Even though I have the ability to call forth the soul of the deceased, I am not willing to do so at any price. First, it is not appropriate to disturb them, second, at such a time, I experience the pain they felt during their death agony, and third, angels tell me anyway when someone needs help.

I also met beings who arrived from other galaxies but their presence was very disturbing. They blew the fuse too many times, they ruined too many of my electrical devices, so I shut them off of my life, too, I only call them during my meditations... Many would like to use me from the spirit world, but it is me who decides whose messages I am willing to pass on.

So many beings, so many frequencies. A huge load for the human body. I am often very exhausted, but I can recover from diseases which other people die of. I have already written in many of my pieces how exhausting a work medium writing is. 1-2 hours of medium writing equals to 12 hours of physical work and even a single question requires a lot of energy. Still, many people treat me as if I was some living Google who is pouring out information for free. I can do only one medium writing a day and it sometimes tires me so much that I need several days of rest. Still, many people believe I have to be available to my clients several times a day. Always, when someone is circulating negative energies towards me, judges me, bad-mouthes me, I get sick. It hurts a lot more when people do so whom I trusted. I wake up during nights, I see their face, I hear their sentences. I perceive every vibration a thousand times more intensively than an average person does. What is a mosquito bite for others, is tantamount to a storm to me. The same is true for physical pains. It is very difficult to come and go among people because the many people who have a negative attitude, drain my energies. What is more, I perceive their diseases as well. It happened many a time that I clutched at my heart, there was a shooting pain there, but when I determined which person had a heart disease among the many close to me, it stopped. But often I do not get away with so little. A lot of times, I got sick because there was a person I wanted to help and her/his family, being afraid that I might want to seduce their child, their sweetheart into some sect, were radiating a lot of hatred towards me. I do not want to brag but at least every four months, I managed to help someone in a way which counts as a miracle. This needs a lot of energy. At the moment, I have been helping a young man every night whose spine broke and concerning whom, for a long time, doctors had not seen a lot of chance for recovery.

Fortunately, our animals help me recharge myself.

There is a tendency on my part to not pay attention to recreation, the observation of the rules, but unfortunately, I always have some clients who are simply not willing to understand how lucky they are that they have a mediator towards the other world who they should watch over, help, pray for, and instead, they are using me as if I was some community service. I am a medium, I am like a microphone who can imitate everyone's voice. Of course, I have my extrasensory abilities, so I perceive precisely who is sending a message through me, but in the case of angelic writing, it depends on the setting of the person's brain where he/she will get the messages from. I am only an interpreter then, it is not me who calls the spirit, the angel who speaks. Who will speak, is whom my client has brought with themselves, whom they call into existence as a helper, who stands the closest to them. Everyone gets what they merit, more exactly, where they are. During the two decades, there were only three occasions altogether when the contact did not take place, when no one wrote by me, when I did not hear anyone.

I usually call angels, the spirits of the planets, archangels, healing spirits during my meditations. There, it is me who is responsible for everyone who manifests, let it be on the human or the spiritual plane. When I work with someone one-on-one, the individual's spiritual leader or her/his guardian angel speaks. What they say, does not depend on me. If the individual has followed the rules, then in my case, only angels can manifest. I had cases, however-it happened 5-8 times at most-, when demonic forces spoke, and which I realised only after having broken down totally physically. In each case, the client either arrived sooner, or did not ring the bell but came only without knocking, so the protection did not work. It cannot function, either, when the individual tutoyers me without I giving them permission to do so first. To me, it is as if the individual entered into my deepest layers, trespassing into my intimate zone. Then all my cells switch to protection mode, and I want to toss out, push out the individual from myself. When putting protection on the individual has already happened, when the boundary has formed so that only so much information will pass through as is necessary for my work, I myself offer to be on first-name basis. But if someone starts like this, that is repugnant to me from all aspects and it takes months for me to be able to be neutral towards the individual again.

Putting protection on the individual before medium writing serves for me to see if there is no curse or negative energy on the person. Whether they did not bring in some demon or possessor. I take the disturbing energy off them in vain, however, if when they should pray, they do not do so. I cannot ensure the angelic manifestation, either, if the person keeps thinking or even judging me instead of contemplation. I take off what I take off in vain because with their negative thoughts, they restore the previous state in themselves. I perceive precisely whether what the angel says, will be so in the future or not. I see if there is enough willpower and trust in the individual so that their destiny could be fulfilled or not. Our destiny is not written in stone. The law of free will is sacred! How we react to a piece of information, will determine how our destiny unfolds.

The angels always warn me when some test is nearing for the individual which can be avoided by stress-release sessions. They subtly indicate what things should be changed, what should be let go, and what should be strengthened. I have learnt so much so that I could help my fellow humans change their lives, so that they could live a happier, more fulfilling life. This is what stress-release sessions are for so that we neutralize the negative programs, so that we tame destructive behaviour patterns. Angels cannot change our destiny, they only herd supporters in our way who can help us do so. I made the commitment to mediate towards people their life-purpose, why they have chosen this life. They receive the answer for why they have arrived to the place, the people who are their parents in their present life, what their task is with their partner, their children. What work, hobby make their life more complete. It is always the individual's guardian angel who speaks through me by holding my hand and writing, or when the contact is stronger, I hear what they are saying. I used the plural form because it happens that the angels of the individual's loved ones are also present. How much someone understands of what the angel says, often can be seen even at the first meeting, but it often becomes obvious only with the individual's reactions later.

I have already written about the dangers of when the two brain hemispheres function separately from each other. We can live a full, conscious life only when the two hemispheres are in synch.

The left brain hemisphere builds on the past and expects negative events. It always wants to act, it is unable to wait patiently. It always wants to know everything at once, it is criticizing details. It keeps checking everything and everyone. It urges time. It is under the control of the demonic leaders. Faith is in the right brain hemisphere. It is always waiting for miracles. When it should act, it keeps daydreaming. It does not interfere with others' things, it does not pose questions, it does not reveal things. It keeps everything inside. Even though it is under the leadership of angels, but because of not acting, postponing things, times slips through its fingers. Things and development stops for it.

The cooperation of the two hemispheres, connecting logic and faith, gives the opportunity to reach one's goals, to have happy relationships, to become fulfilled both spiritually and materially, as well as in one's relationships.

After regarding these, it is clear that everyone receives messages, more precisely, everyone interprets angelic messages depending on their attitude of thinking.

The greatest problem is when someone has hardly shut the door behind themselves after having met me, after the angelic writing session, and they call their friends immediately to tell them about everything. They do not even leave time for the pieces of information to settle in them, they do not let the angelic blessing stabilize, they are pushing out the positive energies from themselves at once. A very detailed account shows that the individual has switched into left-brain mode. Every time they repeat the pieces of information again, they deconnect themselves from angels' energies and their destiny changes. If they tell the story to more than 3 people, the help, the energy they have received from the celestials to help the fulfillment of their destiny, totally dissipates, and demonic forces take over the control. Angel writing becomes pointless. Of course, one can let others know the information received during the angelic session, but only after they have already digested it. Let us sleep on it a couple times, by that time, it becomes integrated in our system, and when we have already become one with it, we can also speak about it to others, we will not lose the angelic support. Of course, this is also free will, everyone handles angelic energies as they see fit, but they must not blame them or me if they fritter the blessing away.

Sometimes, I am totally taken aback to what extent some people do not understand what their angel is trying to tell them.

I cannot repeat enough that angels must not direct, that is the habit of demons. Angels only herd us kindly and speak in symbols.

Often, while lead by angels, I have to tell stories as parables, but left-brained people interpret them, of course, that I am wasting their time and do not even pay attention. When I speak a lot, it is because I am trying to make the person move out from the stiffened structure, but often I only receive judgment. Where there is no faith, no trust in the other person's good intention, it is difficult to listen patiently. Left-brainers always interrupt me, they do not let me finish what I am saying, they get lost in details, they keep asking questions, they keep confronting me, and they are terribly proud of how sharp a mind they have.

No matter how clever they are, by being smarty, they prove that they do not have any faith, and apart from the angelic session with me, in everyday life, they are under demonic control, so they receive challenges one after the other. They depart from me full of doubts, and they blame mostly me for not getting what they had been expecting. Even angels cannot help these people.

At most, I could, if the individual came to me for stress-release sessions regularly and if they accepted my remarks, doing so, pride would break in them. I admit that one needs a lot of courage for that. It is people functioning in left-brain mode who would need stress-release sessions the most and to listen to me patiently when I am speaking because it is not for my fun that I am "chatting" but for them.

Every story has its own frequency whose task is to release the neural pathways in the brain. When someone is accepting, when they let in the very same story even several times, in that person, the area between the two brain hemispheres becomes stronger. One should just let what I am saying, have its effect. The more the individual resists, the slower we advance. There are "knots" which could be influenced by the very same story again and again. When it gets released, I do not need to tell it again anymore. As I have already said several times, telling stories is the most simple way of releasing stress, this is why we watch films, we read books after all.

In the near past, I had a case when the angel warned a lady that she had come to me-to us-still in time because she had energies surrounding her which would cause a fatal cancerous disease in 2 years. It turned out that the lady had always been afraid that she would not be able to bring her child up. I said that her flat should be cleansed energetically and that she should start coming for stress-release sessions regulary as soon as possible. Even though she asked for an appointment, she did not even have it cancelled, she did not react to my message. It turned out that she ran to have all kinds of medical tests, and as all of them were negative, she laid back with contentment. The fact that she checked everything, was the proof that she reacted in a left-brain mode. There was no point working with her. If she does not find the way to release her negative attitude, if she does not get it, if she does not believe her angel's suggestions, then her destiny will catch up with her... Angels warn us when the disease can be eliminated entirely. They did not say, my Dear, you are ill, but that if you go on like this, you will be. The lady interpreted it according to her momentary mode of functioning.

The same is true for relationship problems. When a relationship is broken, the woman's faith can restore it. When the woman keeps checking the man on the social network, however, so she keeps forcing the left-brain mode, by doing so, she calls her fears to life, and she is sending the message to the spirit world that she does not believe in the prediction. With each check, she pushes herself further away from the beloved man and the togetherness she had hoped for. The left brain hemisphere re-writes the positive future. Disappointments, relationship failures with everyone keep coming one after the other. She should have just believed, though!

Let us see a counter-example.

My clients of right-brain hemisphere are listening to the angelic messages mostly with wide eyes and an open mouth. These are the signs that the level of the receptive hormon, serotonin, has increased, so their smile is shining on everything, the level of happiness is increasing. It is very pleasant to work with these people. The problem is that they only hear the positive things, but not the warnings. I tell them in vain that they should work on it so that what the angel has said, could materialize, they do not even hear what I said. It is very painful to me when I see an ill baby and I am saying to the day-dreaming grandmother in vain that the disease can be eliminated until the age of 1. I say it in vain that they should have an appointment, they do not even pay attention to me. It is very sad to see that what the angel is saying, could be truly reality, but that my client does not want to hear the hints concerning what things should be corrected. Such individuals leave from me happily, but I know that in a few months, or in a few years, they will come back disappointed.

My work has meaning if I sit down to the table with someone who is in the middle, that is, who uses both of their brain hemispheres at the same time. On such occasions, the energy almost lifts me. The angelic messages are pouring out smoothly. Clear messages, refined humour and pieces of wisdom which should be pondered upon by everyone. Then I do not get tired and I can keep up the connection even for 2-3 hours. It is on such occasions that I feel that my work has meaning, and if the individual stays in this state, then positive changes come one after the other.

Unfortunately, it happens often that precisely these people become the favourite victims of demons. Seeing the sudden successes, they become conceited. They forget that if something does not happen as the angel had said, it is not the angel or me who should be blamed but she/he should find instead what he/she misunderstood, what they did not acknowledge. Of course, with people who are convinced that they are perfect in their development, that they are already at a high level of spiritual development, it cannot happen that they made a mistake, so obviously, I am to blame, it is I who has regressed.

Usually, I warn everyone that the more courses they go to, the more demons they will infuriate with them. The essence of spiritual march is not to have a calmer and calmer life, but that we receive bigger and bigger challenges. When we believe that we know everything better and that we do not need outer help, that is the biggest trap of our life. It is then that the demonic helper can take over the control.

Hitler also started with spiritual schools, and he threw the very first bomb on his own masters, his own school. All this in the faith that he was serving the good of humanity.

Who believes that she/he does not need anyone's help anymore, the outer control is not there, such a person can never know when she/he goes off the rails, they are under the control of what kind of angels.

Incidentally, it is very simple to determine who is in what mode of operation in everyday life. The left-brained people, whose soul is being torn by demons, find my prices EXPENSIVE, they consider them a superfluous waste of money, and they always pay the lower price. In the recent past, I had several cases when people went under my prices and they simply sent less money than how much the stress-release sessions, medium writing cost.

Who is under the control of angels, are first and foremost grateful for the opportunity that they can speak with the angels. They understand how lucky they are because there is 1 angelic medium for every 10 million people. How many per cent of humanity have the opportunity to get to such a mediation? Such a person, even if they do not pay the higher price, usually bring at least some smaller present to say thank you for my help.

Who is in the middle, KNOWS how important the energy-exchange is. Because they would like to ensure angels' help, they always pay the higher price even when I offer the discount. To me, knowing that I can always count on the help of such people, is very reassuring because they have truly realized how exceptional a situation they are in that they have such an acquaintance who have abilities as I do. They KNOW that the more they are around me, the more spectacular their spiritual development will be.

Now, as I am writing this work, it has been 24 years since I spoke with my own gaurdian angel for the first time, and it was 1 year later that I have started to mediate angels and apply stress-release sessions on my fellow humans.

24 YEARS! I experienced everything. For a long time, I believed that I was to blame, that I misinterpreted something. I had a guilty conscience a lot of times when things did not go in someone's life as the angel had indicated. I prayed and I have been praying all the time to be stopped by the celestials if I am doing something with which I cause harm to others. My Earthly masters to whom I had gone for stress-release sessions, all died already, unfortunately, one after the other, but I have the way how to ask for help.

Now I KNOW already how things work! This is why I suggest that everyone should read this piece before they ask for an angelic writing appointment to be aware of their own responsibility!

If someone passes on my telephone number to others, I am very grateful for that, but even then, I can give an appointment only after the individual has indicated that they have read this writing.

However, we also have to make it clear that every request, question we address to the spirit world, has a price!! Not in a market sense, but simply on a physical basis, as a kind of energy-exchange. Here, I am not speaking only about the pre-arranged medium writing and stress-release sessions, but every other question posed in any other way as well.

We either offer something as an equivalent which we have to do, or we simply pay. If it does not happen in a certain time, we will have to pay back what we owe with interest. Compound interest often becomes so great that it can be even a hundred times the price of what the angelic writing cost. Fate always makes everybody pay.

I have already written in several of my works that even if someone has only one question, I still have to expend as much energy on it as if they asked 10 questions. If it is difficult to grasp, then I would illustrate it in the way that it is the same as when we go to a super concert and we would say at the entrance that we will not buy a ticket because we will just "look in briefly", just for one song.

If we are communicating through an electrical device, then crowds of astral beings are pouring towards us! When I am working, I am in a protected state, and following the rituals ensures that only angels will manifest, but it is impossible to keep up this state for 24 hours every day so that only a single gap remain open. When someone poses a question on Facebook, the individual has not gone through the protection gate, has not prayed, has not received protection, I am not attuned to her/him, there is not any kind of protection, the page is swarming with demonic and astral beings-it would be logical that if someone expected me to answer their question under such extremely impeded circumstances, then they should pay a price which is several times higher than the normal one, or do something special for the benefit of society.

The person who asks me on Facebook or through another social network, must know that it is very disrespectful towards the spirit world as well as I. It is as if we invited a priest for dinner in a striptease bar. Of course, it depends on the individual case whether the priest goes or not, just as I can decide whether I answer or not. The truth is that at first, I automatically sent away people who had been so disrespectful towards my work. I thought I would change my views because humanity is losing their perception of right and wrong more and more and I did answer people in trouble even on messenger. To me, communicating through the Internet, mediating higher energies through it is as if I had to pick out a pea-sized precious stone from a bucket of swill. Tiring, very tiring, f....g tiring. If someone's life is in danger, I will not refuse to help. I also help when someone is dying and asks for strength to be able to depart. But when someone is expecting me to be at their disposal all the time, that, I am not willing to do.

As I have mentioned, each question has a price, even when it is stupid. If I billed everyone for each question, they would blame me, saying I am materialistic. So I have decided that I will measure questions posed in addition, in the donation of blood or in dog poo. More precisely, if the individual sends a photo of himself/herself in which she/he has just donated blood that day, or in which they are picking up dog poos from the street, I will answer only in these cases. In exchange for her/his self-sacrifice, I will make the sacrifice of answering even through the social web-for free.

When someone does social work which goes with dirty work, which is physically hard or disgusting, the person earns my help.

In every other case, you must ask for an appointment. The messenger, the telephone, emails only serve to fix an appointment.

For decades, I was not willing to recognize that each of us has as many demonic helpers as angelic ones.

I believed if I shut out the demonic world entirely with the protection acts, if I do not acknowledge their existence, I will be able to eliminate them from my life.

This is why following the rules was and has been important to me. My client has to arrive to the appointment punctually because the gate which lets only angelic forces in, is set for that time. One had to ring the bell at the entrance and not my door because a dimensional portal opened up which made demonic forces step aside. This is why it must be I who calls the client and not vice versa. When I am calling, an energy tunnel is formed between us which shuts demonic forces off. When someone was not willing to follow these rules, he/she also brought their demons to me either in person, or virtually... When I sent someone back to first ring the bell at the gate, or I stopped taking their calls and I also blocked them so that they would not be able to call me anymore, then the person usually got offended or laughed at me. The people who believe about themselves that it has been enough for them to read a few books, to go to a few courses and they place themselves already above humanity, carry more demonic forces with themselves than angels. Demons are mostly the escorts of haughty people. The HOUSE RULES were written because they get offended by my rules and they rather do not come to me instead of "humiliating themselves". People under demonic control find everything they do not control, humiliating.

Who follow my rules, I put a protection on before the mediation of angels, so these rituals ensure that it will really be angels who speak. Working on Skype is more fortunate for me on one hand because my clients do not bring any kind of negative energy here. It requires a lot more concentration, however. If there is no energetic protection on a house, if it is full of the negative behaviours of those living there, with demons conjured up by obscene language, if souls of the deceased stuck in our dimension are sauntering back and forth, it requires serious preparation. This is one reason why it is bad when someone demands extra attention from me for herself/himself and for their own problems in my time of rest or when I am preparing for a session.

It makes my work through Skype very difficult when the person with whom I am working, is not alone and their attention keeps wondering away. It is very disturbing to me that this way, I perceive the other person's rambling thoughts as well, and it is very difficult to isolate, to sense what the right therapy is for my client. On such occasions also the most simple is if I tell stories because if the individual pays attention to them, they help the person move out of their left-brain state at least until the other person does not intervene.

For the very same reason, do not use Skype for sending me messages!!! If the green dot is there, it means that I am working and a foreign energy is very disturbing, it is as if I was hit on the head. I react only to messages sent by telephone, in email, or on messenger. On Skype, I can only accept a message in the pre-arranged time frame about possibly being late.

And one more thought about messages.

Already about 10 years ago or so, the celestials said that I do not have to answer an sms, email which is written in a complicated way. At first, I did not understand but I already know what the point is. A message comprising every detail is clearly a sign of the left-brain mode of operation, as well as when the individual wants an answer immediately. Such a type of message shows rather an exaggerated tantrum than a serious problem. I do not have to answer it because if I satisfy the individual's curiousity, I am supporting the left-brain mode. The individual has to learn patience primarily, and to pray, to believe! Who are truly in trouble, have no strength to write a long message, they just ask for help.

About payment:

For me, every activity in connection with money is very down-pulling. I cannot deal with bank-related things because we clash energetically. For decades, I have not been able to use bank cards because I confuse the bank card reader, or the machine simply does not recognize my card when I handle it, I always have to ask someone else to carry out the transactions. The same is true for the computer, it freezes if I open my bank account. Every electrical device gets confused by me so I have to ask for others' help. For this reason, for me the best is when someone makes the payment by post. If it is complicated for somebody, they can transfer the fee, of course. I can send you a photo of a transaction with my bank account number where you can send my honorarium so that I will not have to dictate my number. I never checked who had sent how much money, I trusted people. The celestials told me, however, that I had been cheated already too many times, many people had been paying a lot less compared to what they demanded from me, and the balance had been already upset. This is why I am sick so often again. From now on, I am asking you to show the photographed transaction so that I will not have to open my bank account and I can check who has paid how much, which "service" is their due and which one is not. Until now, putting a protection on someone was an automatic part of stress-release sessions. While this protection is being put on the individual, I take demonic forces off the individual which he/she has attracted in with their negative reactions and which others have put on him/her by getting angry on them, or possibly by becoming envious of them. With putting on the protection, the course of things became smoother, more easy-flowing. This did not have a price until now, I did it out of good will. As I have seen that there are hardly any people who appreaciated it, however, it is only a part of medium writing from now on, on any other occasion, one has to pay for it.

As this writing appears on my page, from then on, I will not read messages but 1x a week. It will be on Tuesday. One can fix an appointment with me then. Every message which is not about an appointment, remains unanswered. I simply do not have the energy anymore to offer telephone helpdesk services. Primarily, I want to write about the teachings of angels, working with people is secondary. Do not misunderstand me, I love my work, but I want to work with those who want to develop and who respectfully follow my rules.


When someone starts criticizing me, when they have negative thoughts in connection with me, when they find my work expensive, the individual is always under the control of demonic forces. Angels never whisper disparaging thoughts. Demons are called by left-brain thinking. It is everyone's own responsibility which side they are on! Everything that happens in the world, is because of the lack of faith. Certain people love cherishing their own demons a lot more than believing in angels. My work is to turn this back, but it can happen only when those I work with, can face their own demons and they can let them go. Questions about when, until when, why, slow down the process powerfully and no matter how much we work, there is no guarantee that we will not be exposed to negative attacks. For constant development, constant challenges are needed. Everyone can decide themselves to go forward, or to run in the very same circles again and again.

Of course, it is my duty to help everyone regardless of in what brain mode they are thinking. I have written this work so that you understand a little better why it matters how we react. It also matters how you behave towards me because with that, you determine for a long time whether you will receive angelic or demonic help in everyday life.

I ask everyone who asks for an appointment for a stress-release session, an angelic writing, to indicate that they have read this piece and that they accept to follow the rules. The most simple is if she/he starts the message with, I AM ASKING FOR ANGELIC HELP, from this, I will know which side he/she is on. I am sending the message to those who had not followed my rules that I am not angry with them, it is also my fault after all that I did not communicate the problem. From now on, however, as I have already mentioned, to me, writing comes first, sharing with people what the celestials teach. If someone does not respect this and keeps demanding extra attention to their own problems, I cannot be of service to them anymore. Of course, the birth of a child, infants, serious accidents, mortal danger are given a preference, but I can no longer bear tantrums. Please, for that, find someone else.

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